Empowered Women Workshops

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Testimony on Empowered Women Retreat

[/x_raw_content][cs_text]It was at a one-day, Empowered Women Montreal, workshop that I caught a limited glimpse of the soulful work of Sandra Reich and Maite Gomez these two Professional therapists have chosen to forward. Their cause couldn’t be more personal to me, to change the world for future generations’ one woman at a time. Bringing together knowledge they have acquired out from the most reputed Psychologists, Therapists and Life Coaches of our time complete with decades of accumulated field experiences and painstakingly earned years of personal life wisdom. Knowing these were the ladies who ,out of heartfelt desire to change to way humans relate to one another, founded Empowered Women Montreal I knew, as I embarked on my journey to Spa Eastman for the Relationships Hard Core Retreat, that my life was about to change for the better. Maité and Sandra are two deep running wells of knowledge, warmth, empathy, compassion and love. Extremely well sourced and brilliantly enlightened, these two consummate professionals are locked at heart in the pursuit of helping women better understand the essence of self empowerment and its global reach.

I own a popular health food store that employs 40 people and work it with my best friends and my husband. Relationships are always at the forefront of my consciousness because most of the contacts in my life overlap. It had become all too familiar for me to feel powerless and frustrated in my work and home life. I wasn’t sleeping well, my jaw was tight most of the time and being anxious was just the spark for getting angry… ”Relationships Hard Core” really struck a strong chord with me.

Matié and Sandra are real and human; they made me feel at ease in every moment I share with them. Professionals to the core, each has tremendous depth of compassion. Combining teaching skills and years of study, they studied with such greats of our time as John Gottman and Dr. Sue Johnson. Their communal specialties are in treating anxiety, depression, self esteem issues, emotional healing, body mind and spirit connection, counseling, mindfulness, and this list is far from complete. Sandra Reich is a professional whose abilities at pinpointing verbal cues physical flags, emotional shifts and human psychology are remarkably well complimented by Maité’s professional knowledge in psychology, Body-mind counseling, energy and natural healing. I could feel that in the loving presence of Sandra and Maité the potential to heal past and present wounds was within my grasp. Their expertise allowed them to impart on me countless numbers of functional working tools and the quintessential awareness (Oprah calls this the “Aha” moment) to better handle life, love, and relational challenges. Their responsiveness to our needs was relentless, offering redirects and explanations from any angle required.

I’m glad to say I’m on my journey while still in my marriage and my professional life, I’m passionate about self actualizing and fascinated about learning through my experiences with others. This is where my path crossed with Empowered Women Montreal. Resourceful and empowered, Sandra and Maite are effective proponents of change Their April Retreat was a life changing experience, providing me with the tranquility, freedom of mind and self assurance I had needed to make a career change…

I have often heard and used the expression “The Sisterhood” in reference to women. Maite and Sandra really set forward an atmosphere of ease and sparked on genuine dialogues and precious moments of connection. Relationships Hard Core provided me a secure way to connect and grow with the other wonderful women involved in this retreat. We were all sworn to confidentiality, “what happens at Spa Eastman stays ate Spa Eastman” with sincerity. These ladies are now, so very dear to my heart, my sisters from other parents. Much gratitude to Empowered Women Montreal ‘s founders for granting me one of the best gifts this lifetime…the opportunity to experience “The Sisterhood of Women”, Doing this work in a group had an exponential effect on my being able to grasp the material because each of the ladies brought a little extra bit of clarity to my understanding.

The retreat was a beautiful balance of fun, education, personal empowerment and socializing. Sandra and Maité presented the vastness of their academic knowledge in a fluid easy to follow power point, complete with a booklet of important points and note paper. As a student I felt all my needs were well looked after. Refreshingly honest, is the best description for their style of presentation. “Relationships Hardcore” was so much more than a lecture style retreat. The time, effort and protocol these ladies used to create a safe and relaxed environment was very reassuring. As great teachers they had left some flexibility for questions and comments that came forward from us, the participants.

Empowered Women Montreal’s founders also share a personal commitment to healthy eating this made spa Eastman a good forum to keep our overall health in mind. I am a vegetarian who keeps organic as much as possible, and was so pleased that Eastman’s kitchen creates Fine Organic Vegetarian options.

The care, attention and organization Empowered Women Montreal offers was evident before the attendees even left their Montreal homes. Coordinating transport to get to and from the retreat, making sure all the attendees had a safe way to get to the retreat and back, speaks volumes of the great respect and concern these ladies feel for the people who sign up for their life altering retreats.

I will always be enamored by the April retreat, its nurturing woven cerebral, emotional, physical, individual, social, natural and human components allowed me to feel comfortable enough to share areas of my relationships were I was stuck and in some degree of pain.

Great thanks to all the unforgettable women who were part of creating the experience…I’m very thankful we got to share that momentous weekend. What an amazing gift Sandra Reich and Maité Gomez created through Empowered Women Montreal… one that gives from one woman to the next from one generation to the next. A gift so wholesome and balanced in its empowerment of women that as it branches out and bears change it will also reach our brothers. I thank you both, for a life making experience, with all my being.

Finding it hard to hear her inner voice in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Going through life not feeling as connected as you’d like to be? A little numb putting the reaction/emotion into the situation rather than feeling it? Feeling alone with the struggle of striving to be you authentic self and find the self esteem and motivating to make your dream become a reality? If you have asked yourself these or other such similar questions a self reflective, self actualizing Retreat such as “Relationships Hardcore” may be for you. Contact Sandra and Maité for upcoming retreats with Empowered Women Workshops. The next one at Spa Eastman is on March 21st-23rd, 2014 and there are a few spots left.

I will be there- will you?
