Empowered Women Workshops

"I want every women to experience an Empowered Woman Workshop: To try and explain it is like trying to explain seeing a Cirque du Soleil show: It blows your mind in ways you can’t describe. It’s just one of those things you have to experience to understand.”

– Kemberly Ford 2016


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Embark on a Journey of Finding Your True Self

EMPOWERED WOMEN WORKSHOPS offer amazing weekend retreats for women who have found themselves falling into caretaking others instead of themselves, self-sabotage, self-abandonment, relationship challenges, boundary issues and more. Each retreat combines learning, growth, inspiration, fun, friendship, delicious organic food and more!


Each “retreat” takes place at the gorgeous Spa Eastman in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.

Join Maïté and Sandra on an exciting in depth weekend retreat. Discover life changing coping tools within a beautiful relaxing environment amongst the empowered women sisterhood.

Learn in a safe and beautiful environment. Experience incredible life changing epiphany moments with the other participants.

Here are some of the themes and topics that have been addressed in the weekend retreat workshops: